Stay tuned for an upcoming request for information in the coming weeks and an afternoon webinar on June 30, co-sponsored by NSF and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, focusing on equity and early-career researchers. Updated public access policies are a centerpiece of the White House-led Year of Open Science. Visit to learn more and to get involved!
NSPM 33 & CHIPS in Science Act
Rosemary Casteel |
NSPM 33 and the CHIPS and Science Act have requirements for Research Security.
OSTP Open Data Memo August 2022
Rosemary Casteel |
The White House Office of Science and Technology Planning (OSTP) issued a memo requiring all research funding agencies to modify and clarify requirements for data management and sharing in support of public access. August 2022 Memo
NIH New Data Management & Sharing Policy
Rosemary Casteel |
The NIH implemented a new Data Management and Sharing Policy. The policy was approved three years ago and went info effect on January 25, 2023.