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Public Access and OPEN ACCESS

August 2022: The White House OSTP Memo regarding Public Access, states that federal funding agencies must update their Public Access plans by the end of 2024 and have new policies in effect by the end of 2025.

June 2024 Update: OSTP Report to Congress on Financing Mechanisms for Open Access Publishing of Federally Funded Research  There is no change in the expected dates for agency policies or for all policies to be in effect by 12/31/25.

Policies In Effect

NIH DMS Policy (Effective Date: 1/25/23) WVU Guidance and Requirements for Compliance

Key Dates For Agency Plans

  • 2/21/23 - Plans due addressing Section 3 of Memo (PDF) for agencies >$100M in R&D expenditures
  • 8/20/24 - Plans due addressing Section 3 of Memo for agencies <$100M in R&D expenditures
  • 12/31/24 - Agencies complete and publish full policy for Section 3, Plans for Section 4 (PDF) due
  • 12/31/25 - Effective date for agency policies for Section 3
  • 12/31/26 - Agencies complete and publish full policy for Section 4
  • 12/31/27 - Effective date for agency policies for Section 4


Using the DMPTool is not required yet, but will be when machine-readable plans must be uploaded with proposals. We recommend learning this tool as soon as possible.

The Public Access policies and NSPM-33 will require the use of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) in many submissions and reports by 2025. WVU will soon mandate that researchers create and manage an ORCID iD to meet the policies. The iD will also help researchers manage CV and publication information. WVU will offer ORCID iD integration for publication and other PI information in 2024. To benefit from the integration, be sure to add WVU as a TRUSTED source when creating your iD. Find more information on this WVU Library guidance page.


Visit the WVU Libraries' Research Data Management to sign up for training for either DMPTool or ORCID iD. They also provide in-depth information on Data Management and Sharing Plans.

Agency Information