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DOE Public Access Plan

DOE - Public Access Plan and Policy


  • 2023 - Plan Outlining New Policy Published
  • December 31, 2024 - Effective Date

Guidance and Templates


  • Use the DMPTool to find the latest applicable DOE DMP template.
  • Request a consultation for help with WVU storage, allowable costs, and results repositories.

Proposed Policy Change

Public Access to Scientific Publications

  • The requirements of this public access policy apply to scholarly publications arising from activities undertaken with DOE funds, whether in whole or in part, unless otherwise prohibited by law, regulation, or policy.This includes scholarly publications produced by DOE Federal employees, contractors, and financial assistance recipients.
  • “Scholarly publications” always include the peer-reviewed research articles or final manuscripts published in scholarly journals, and may include peer-reviewed book chapters, editorials, and peer-reviewed conference proceedings published in other scholarly outlets that result from Federally funded research. Conference proceedings or papers that are subsequently published in a peerreviewed journal are considered scholarly publications and are thus subject to the submission requirements stated in this Plan. Classified or controlled unclassified information (CUI)/data and research will not be made publicly available.
  • For each scholarly publication, the DOE Federal employees, financial assistance recipients, or contractors must submit the full-text accepted manuscript, including conference proceedings or papers published in peerreviewed journals, and the associated metadata for the publication to DOE no later than the publication date of the article. If the article is published as OA, the submitter may provide metadata and either the accepted manuscript, the OA article, or a link to the OA article on the publisher’s website or author’s institutional repository, provided there are no restrictions on DOE ingesting the OA article.
  • DOE will permanently retain accepted manuscripts and any ingested OA articles in DOE PAGES for archival and preservation purposes. In addition to the requirement for submission of accepted manuscripts and associated metadata, authors must include a statement acknowledging DOE as a funding agency, along with the award number or contract number, in the full text of the publication.

Public Access to Scientific Data in Digital Formats

  • The requirements of this public access policy apply to unclassified and otherwise unrestricted digital scientific data arising from research and development activities undertaken with DOE funds, whether in whole or in part, unless otherwise prohibited by law, regulation, or policy. This includes scientific data produced by Federal employees, contractors, and financial assistance recipients where the data are unclassified and otherwise unrestricted.
  • For the purposes of this Plan, “scientific data” include the recorded factual material commonly accepted in the scientific community as of sufficient quality to validate and replicate research findings. Such scientific data do not include laboratory notebooks, preliminary analyses, case report forms, drafts of scientific papers, plans for future research, peer-reviews, communications with colleagues, or physical objects and materials, such as laboratory specimens, artifacts, or field notes. The definition of “scientific data” is similar to but broader than the term “research data” defined by 2 CFR 200.315 (e) and 45 CFR 75.322 (e). Classified or CUI data and research will not be made publicly available.
  • DMS Plan Requirements
    • Validation and Replications of Results
    • Timely and Equitable Access
    • Data Repository Selection
    • Data Management and Sharing Resources
    • Data Sharing Limitations