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Data Transfer and Sharing

WVU policies for transferring and sharing research data are based on criteria such as data risk category, existing data agreement restrictions, funder restrictions, data management and sharing plans, data safety and monitoring restrictions, and/or institutional policies.

Sharing and transferring research results data after the Award period or in support of a publication  is different than sharing and transferring data during active research for collaboration, this link provides information on federal data management and sharing policies for funded research.

Funded Research Considerations

The funding agency policies will specify requirements for sharing and transferring research results outlined in the data management and sharing (DMS) plan. The DMS plan becomes a contract, the institution (WVU) is responsible for tracking the location of research results data. Before data supporting research results is transferred out of WVU, a data agreement may be required. 

Future regulations will require cybersecurity requirements for funded data, which will require WVU to track and manage funded research data during active research. In preparation, select storage that is managed by WVU. 

Data Transfer

Data transfer means that a copy of the data will be transferred out of the institution to an external entity. The external party can then modify the copy, the original copy remains unchanged. Transferring data between departments at within WVU and HSC is not considered data transfer for this purpose.

Approved Methods for External Data Transfer

  • Globus
    • Low to medium-risk data
    • Unfunded/funded
  • SFTP (Sensitive Data Compliant)
    • All data risk categories
    • Unfunded/funded
  • Liquid Files (Sensitive Data Compliant)
    • Sensitive/High Risk Data
    • Unfunded/funded
  • WVU/HSC Email
    • Low Risk Data
    • Unfunded
  • External Hard Drives/USB Drives
    • Low to medium-risk
    • Unfunded
    • *Approved for temporary storage for sensitive and federally funded data only.

Data Sharing/Collaboration

Data sharing means that one copy of the data is shared between WVU/HSC staff an external party. When one party changes the data, it changes for both parties. There are multiple ways to share data:

  • OneDrive/Google 
    PI can provide access to students and external parties for low to medium-risk, unfunded data
  • SharePoint
    PI can provide access to students and external parties for low to medium-risk, funded/unfunded data.  PIs do not have access to add collaborators to secure storage, contact the WVU Help Desk. 
  • Data Depot
    PI can use Globus to allow external access, more restrictive, low to medium-risk, funded/unfunded data
  • Qualtrics
    PIs can provide access to students and external parties for low to medium-risk data collection. PIs do not have access to add collaborators to secure Qualtrics, contact the WVU Help Desk.
  • REDCap
  • CTSI must add internal and external access to REDCap.

High-Risk Data

Sharing or transferring high-risk data must be approved via a WVU Data Agreement and access must be provided by ITS or WV CTSI. 

Data Agreements

Consultations and Questions Related to Data Agreements